Loving and Patient Teacher

My girls are 5 and 7 when they started learning Mandarin with Emma. Even though I grew up in Taiwan, but we are an English household. My kids know about 10 words in Mandarin and that’s about it. When the kids are home from school due to Covid, I thought it was a perfect opportunity for them to learn Mandarin. Someone recommended Emma in a Facebook group I was in, and that’s how we got started. Emma is very patient and willing to listen and work with us to find the way that works best for our family. As we are all figuring out the world of virtual learning, her willingness to be flexible took a lot of stress off. She incorporates a lot of fun elements into the lessons and is very good at switching up the activities to keep the kids engaged. This is our 3rd month taking classes with Emma and it’s fun to watch how far the kids have come along. My older daughter now thinks learning Mandarin is fun, thank you Emma!

Emma Lee
Emma Lee
I love children, teaching Mandarin
and exploring the world with family

My teaching interests include early childhood development, individual Mandarin tutoring, and virtual Mandarin storytime.